
The Hagar Trilogy – three technothriller, crime novels set in south Wales and Africa were written over a 7-year period and always envisaged to be a series of films. Hence it would seem logical to have a music soundtrack to accompany them. The following tracks are taken from the books.

Jewels For Sophia, album coverCtrl-Alt-Delete has a large selection of songs, artists and music mentioned within its pages. The lyrics often refer to a particular scene, action or emotion within the story and can be seen as a soundtrack to the novel. The music also compliments the filmic nature of the text.

List of tracks, artists, albums etc.:

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Click on the links to hear / buy the song / album.

Outside Society, album coverRaising Skinny Elephants… has a large selection of songs, artists and music mentioned within its pages. The lyrics often refer to a particular scene, action or emotion within the story and can be seen as a soundtrack to the novel. The music also compliments the filmic nature of the text.

List of tracks, artists, albums etc.:

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Click on the links to hear / buy the song / album.

Goodbye Jumbo, album coveriCommand has a large selection of songs, artists and music mentioned within its pages. The lyrics often refer to a particular scene, action or emotion within the story and can be seen as a soundtrack to the novel. The music also compliments the filmic nature of the text.

List of tracks, artists, albums etc.:

Listen on Spotify


Click on the links to hear / buy the song / album.