Copyright Statement
All content on this website including but not limited to photographic work is protected under copyright laws. Copyright © 1985-2021, Dave Lewis,
Image Usage:
Any use of the images contained within this website is strictly forbidden unless otherwise stated below.
You may:
- Link to any page on this website.
You may not:
- Download any image from this website.
- Sell electronic or printed copies of the images and/or content on this website.
- Publish these images in any magazine, newspaper, website or other media outlet without express written permission from me.
- Make any commercial gain from these photographs by whatever means.
- Claim the credit for any of the images on this website in any form.
- Make any physical copies or prints of these photographs in any form, for any reason.
Print Usage:
Any photographic prints purchased from Dave Lewis, are also bound by strict usage rules and are intended solely for private use. Private use is limited to the following examples:
- Mounting and framing for display within your own home or office for all non-commercial reasons.
- Packaging and posting the print (framed or unframed) as a gift for no commercial gain.
You may not:
- Reproduce the print in any manor, including but not limited to photographing, scanning or photocopying the print.
- Make any commercial gain from the print through resale by any means without express written consent from myself.
- Modify the print in any way, including the removal of any labels attached to the print.
By viewing this webite and downloading any image from this website you automatically accept the above conditions. Should you have any questions please get in touch.